This picture is what it feels like to be free from what I'm about to talk about.
There is a big problem I see happening in the personal development world and in society which is creating a lot of problems for people.
Do you ever feel like you are constantly being told what to do?
Do people tell you that you have low energy, but that’s not the case?
Do people tell you they don’t FEEL your passion but you KNOW you have passion?
Do people tell you that the way you are sitting portrays lack of confidence but your just fucking comfy?
Do people tell you that you need to read X amount of books in order to be successful?
Do people tell you that If you have a few beers during the week, that means your trying to hide and suppress your emotions?
If you watch porn, do you feel there’s something wrong with you because of what you’ve been told?
Do people tell you that if your not hustling, working 14 hour days, taking MASSIVE ACTION then you just don’t want it bad enough?
If your in the business of helping people. Do you ever feel like if your life isn’t perfect around the topic your helping others with, then your a fraud?
Do you feel like If your not living the dream life, living on a beach, while impacting millions then your just not doing life the right way?
Does it feel impossible to live up to all these expectations?
Do you feel like you can never just be yourself because being yourself isn’t the “RIGHT” way to do things?
We’ll I know I’ve heard all these MIND FUCKING, conflicting messages.
We are constantly being told, how we SHOULD be, what we SHOULD do, what we SHOULD have, how we SHOULD act, how we SHOULD stand, how we SHOULD talk, etc. Were being SHOULD’ED on constantly.
Sure there might be some truth to some of those. BUT the problem is not in doing or not doing those things. The problem is feeling bad about doing or not doing those things. Then feeling bad about feeling bad. Which leads to a downward spiral of problems.
I can tell you from personal experience that all these mixed messages lead to…
Imposter syndrome
The list goes on
Have that fucking beer, Watch a fucking porno (no pun intended :) ), sit how you wanna sit, talk how you want to talk, Don’t read a book and watch some mindless comedy instead. But then instead of feeling bad about those things (because we’ve been told we should ) just enjoy it, then get on with living your FUCKING life!
In my experience, when I was able to remove all of these ideas and expectations from the personal development industry, society, family, etc and FULLY accept myself for who I am, ONLY THEN am I able to create a natural sense of…
Deep inner wisdom
The list goes on
You don’t have to “fake it till I make it” or do some positive thinking. That’s BULLSHIT. That’s trying to be someone who you are not, which only causes more anxiety and more problems.
I bit of a twist on biggie smalls - MO fake, MO problems
You are able to have TRUE FREEDOM naturally, by fully accepting and embracing who you truly are. The good, the bad, the ugly, the things people judge you for, etc.
“No amount of self-improvement can make up for any lack of self-acceptance.” ― Robert Holden
My favorite quote of all time because it is so true.
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson.
I want to help aspiring leaders in the world remove the bullshit beliefs from society, connect to who they truly are, help them find their superpowers, so they can create their greatest impact in the world. If that sounds like you, lets have a conversation. Private message me. Because the world needs more people who are FREE of the bullshit in order to truly give your greatest gifts to the world.