One of the most important things I've came me to realize in my life when it comes to trying to help someone, is that advice doesn't work.
Throughout most of my life people have been telling the same things over and over for decades that I just was not ready to REALLY hear or do anything about.
It's like the saying goes "opinions are like assholes, everyone's got one and everyone thinks each other's stinks"
When I was ready to REALLY listen, a massive insight occurred to where I would never see things the same again.
I've realized that the real power is in helping others come up with there own realizations through questions and other sources. Because insights create change, advice that is not heard, does not.
So don't be a know it all asshole because very few will listen. Instead help people come up with their own answers and realizations through asking questions.
I suppose maybe this may come off as advice, ahh well fuck it. Don't take my word for it see for yourself.